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chasing space

"There is nothing more irresistable for a choreographer or
a dancer than a large open space. Space is the only invitation I need to generate ideas for my dancers, who attack space with a velocity and force which is exhilarating.

What I aim to capture with Chasing Space, in a more
carefree way, is the vitality and free-spirited nature of the
. It is free flowing, in a world full of colour, a
choreographic joyride propelled by music. The direction and structure for the work springs from the seven energy centres of the body, known as the Chakras. They relate to specific parts of the body and their functions.
Each Chakra has a distinguishing colour, for example the throat is represented by light blue and silver and is related to communication and breath. It has a corresponding verb "I Speak", and is associated with the element of sound.

Chakras work as energy transforming stations enabling us to absorb energy from space and other people, transmuting it into a form of nourishment for our own body and spirit. This has given me the subject for Chasing Space. The dancers are always a source of inspiration for me. I'd like to acknowledge that their creative input into the work has also been significant".

Leigh Warren.